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The Ultimate Guide for Beginners to learn coding

The Ultimate Guide for Beginners to learn coding

The Ultimate Guide for Beginners to learn coding

What exactly is programming?

Now let’s get to what is the best way to learn to program. Put in simple words, computer programming is nothing but a way to instruct/ command a computer to perform a set of instructions.

You program a computer to perform a certain task, simple or complicated. Henceforth you must know a way to communicate effectively with the computer.

In general as with human beings if you have the ability to communicate effectively with other people, you might be able to convince them to do whatever you want.

The same is the case with computers, the more you are good at communicating with a computer the better it will respond to your request. Hence to get better at communicating with computers, you need to learn their language. Hence your first step would be to learn any language which allows you to communicate with the machine.

What exactly is programming ?

Step 1: Choosing a programming language.

Python is a great language to get started with as a beginner. Here, I’ve listed detailed steps so as to how you can get started with learning Python today!

Step 2: Getting better at solving problems.

Now you have learned a programming language and now can effectively communicate with the computer. But that does not mean you are a programmer yet. Knowing a language and its grammar won’t make you a poet, in a similar way knowing a programming language does not make you a programmer. Always remember, programming is like poetry. No matter how good you are at it, you can still get better. You become a programmer by being able to solve a problem. Hence to become a good programmer, solve a ton of problems. Programming problems can be as simple as printing out a Fibonacci series or as complex as predicting election results based on tweets.

 Step 3: Getting efficient.

In programming, there are a hundred ways to solve a single problem. Once you get good at solving problems you now want to get good at finding the best alternative to solve a problem. This is where your critical thinking abilities come into the picture and you can only get good at it through practice. No matter how intelligent of a person you are, there is no way to get around it except through practice.

 Step 4: Don’t just write code, read it as well.

If you want to be a great poet/writer, you must also read a lot. The same is the case with programming as well, you will also need to read a lot of code from other developers who are better than you. Reading other people’s code will give you a perspective of how they think and how others approach the same problem. It will also allow you to compare your code to others so that you can find what exactly were you missing. Thankfully we have Github which allows you to peep into other people’s code.

 Step 5. Take action:

I can’t emphasize this enough, don’t just read this answer. Instead, take action and get started today. I come across so many aspiring developers who are so busy gathering information about programming that they are left with no time to actually code. If you want, go through this answer again, take notes, and start right now. I’m sure this will give you a head start on other guys who procrastinate. Hope this helps!

Finally:- The Best Way To Learn Programming If You’re Teaching Yourself